The House of eldritch horrors - Devlog 0

hi hii!!!, this is my first devlog!. so yeah, hi!. and yeah, imma working on a tiny horror game on unreal C++. inspired by resident evil 7 and 4, and a few other games. you’re basically stuck inside a mansion, and you gotta escape it!. and there’s a ton of monsters and things.
first, i kinda made a tiny gun with FPS arms in blender!. i didn’t add much detail cuz meh, i’ll polish it later. and i kinda wanted the player to hold the pistol like leon in RE4!, because it’s so cool.
the gun and the arms are actually a seperate blueprint!. it just feels less messy that way. and yeah, the laser is not some niagara ribbon particle. i wanted to do it in an oldschool way, so i ended up using a cylinder with a translucent material, and i scaled it up. just like in RE4. and it looks nice!.
and aww, after that, i had to make some enemy!!!. so i made a slug-enemy!
it doesn’t do anything cool. it just moves around, and chases the player when it seens it. and it took me an insanely amount of time to get the AI affiliation to working. it’s kinda confusing. but when i was done, i felt like doing everything in unreal’s AI behaviour tree is gonna be hard. especially because i wanna do make some enemies with complex behaviours. so yeah, i went with GOAP!
well, it took me some time to learn about GOAP, but i learned how to use it eventually!. tho it was very confusing at first. but yeah. currently the slug enemy uses GOAP to move around and do stuff. and yeah, i’ll make some more goals and behaviours in the future!.
and aside from the slug enemy, i made a cool enemy that crawls on the wall!!. i’ve always been scared of some giant crawling on the ceiling. buuuuut, i think it’ll take some time to make that enemy functional. because unreal’s NavMesh is a bit hard to work with. it can’t generate NavMesh on the ceiling. so i guess i’ll have to use some other way to make do the pathfinding.
and today, oh well. i made a tiny model for an enemy!, this one’s gonna be the “generic zombie guy”. im gonna make a lot of AI behaviours for the enemy starting with this one.
alsooo, i made a tiny cool pickup!. it’s an ammo pickup.
and a basic inventory, it doesn’t show how much things you have, but yeah. i’m planning to make it show things with a nice description, and make it able to use the items on other things in the world!!. currently, they don’t feel too important, so yeah. imma just sticking with making AI behaviours and enemies now, and a bit of level design.
anndddd, as for the levels, i haven’t really made much!. just a prototype level made with cube-grid!. dang, it’s so handy!.
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